EuroWindoor demands to revise criteria for transparent products in EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act

Frankfurt, November 2022 – EuroWindoor published together with European Aluminium and EPPA a joint position to bring attention to the short comings of the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act. Amendments are needed to use the full potential of windows, doors and curtain walls.
EuroWindoor favours the taxonomy as it strengthened green investments by defining criteria for them. The products windows, doors and curtain walling contribute to a strong improvement of energy efficiency and therefore, climate protection in the building sector.

Unfortunately, by setting a pan-European maximum thermal transmittance value (U≤1,0 W/m²K) the present criteria for windows does not allow to factor in geographical and climatic differences to optimise resource and energy efficiency by tasking solar gains into account. As a consequence, the EU Taxonomy criteria needs to be revised to use the ‘Energy balance’ approach for transparent products like windows and curtain walling. In addition, curtain walling should have similar requirements as ‘windows’ since they have a large proportion of glazed area and thermally behaviour like windows.

For further information please see:

Joint call to revise criteria for windows in the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act

Press Contact:
Miriam Weppler
EuroWindoor General Secretariat
Walter-Kolb-Str. 1-7
60594 Frankfurt / Germany
Phone: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 36
Fax: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 11

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