EuroWindoor together with EDSF and SBS point out that the European internal market is constrained by contrary requests of CEN and European Commission. Not synchronized developments of the standards and their citations like e.g. co-existence periods for EN 16034 and EN 14351-2 will lead to difficulties and confusion on the market. The European Commission need to act now!
EuroWindoor, European Door & Shutter Federation and Small Business Standards are calling on the European Commission to implement the below three-step approach to minimise the impact on the sector:
- extend the co-existence period for EN 16034 beyond 01 November 2019
- ensure that it is aligned with the co-existence period for EN 14351-2
- cite EN 14351-2 in the Official Journal of the European Union without any further delay
EuroWindoor-EDSF-SBS joint position on fire doors and internal pedestrian doorsets (September 2019)
[Here you find all position papers and publications]