EuroWindoor AISBL gives an update on its activities in the Newsletter 12/2016. In 2016 we worked hard to influence the revision the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and for improvement of standardization for the CPR.
The Newsletter 12/2016 of EuroWindoor AISBL and has the following content:
- EuroWindoor response to EU winter package: Don´t forget buildings are for people to live in!
- Vasco Ferreira from the EC (DG ENER) meets EuroWindoor
- CPR Implementation technical platforms
- EuroWindoor position on principles of good cooperation and improvement of effectiveness of standardization for CPR
- RoHS exemption for profiles containing recovered PVC
- Strong cooperation in the joint position to the revision of the EPBD: “Tapping the potential of windows”
- Appointments 2017
For more information please download the EuroWindoor AISBL Newsletter 12/2016 or visit the section Position papers and Publications.