EuroWindoor advocates for strengthening Harmonized Standards

EuroWindoor advocates for strengthening Harmonized Standards

Frankfurt, September 2023 – EuroWindoor lends strong support to EU Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardisation and emphasizes the pivotal role of Harmonized Standards in the New Legislative Framework. In response to the EU Commission’s evaluation, EuroWindoor calls for an agile and streamlined standardization process to meet market needs effectively.

EuroWindoor believes that there is a need for improvements and proposes to enhance the standardization process’s efficiency and responsiveness, emphasizing the importance of promptly meeting market demands. If EU Regulation 1025/2012 undergoes revision, EuroWindoor recommends defining clear roles, responsibilities, timelines, and templates for all stakeholders, ultimately strengthening Europe’s fenestration industry’s global competitiveness.

The EU Regulation 1025/2012 remains relevant, particularly in the forthcoming revisions of significant regulations such as the Construction Products Regulation. Harmonized Standards, which act as a bridge between legal requirements and practical implementation, are considered vital for a cohesive EU single market for construction products like windows and doors.

The EuroWindoor feedback on the Call for Evidence can be seen here.

Press Contact:
Miriam Weppler
EuroWindoor General Secretariat
Walter-Kolb-Str. 1-7
60594 Frankfurt / Germany
Phone: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 36
Fax: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 11

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