Eurowindoor News 2021

EuroWindoor wishes Happy Holidays and looks back on an eventful year
As 2021 comes to an end EuroWindoor looks back on a dynamic year which proved to be very work loaded despite the ongoing Covid-situation. Nevertheless,

EuroWindoor feedback on the proposal to recast the Energy Efficiency Directive
Brussels, 19 November 2021 – EuroWindoor answered the public consultation of the European Commission on the proposal to recast the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The

Active House 10-year anniversary – a fruitful partnership with EuroWindoor
Frankfurt, 21. October 2021- Comfort, energy and environment – those are the elements of the holistic approach the members of the Active House Alliance are

Meeting between the European Window Stakeholders and representative of the European Commission
The European Window Stakeholders (European Aluminium, EPPA, ES-SO, EuroWindoor and Glass for Europe) met with representative of the European Commission DG ENER. The Window Stakeholders

(JOINT PRESS RELEASE)New Studies show no alternatives to propiconazole -CEI-Bois, EuroWindoor and SBS call for a renewal of the approval of propiconazole for use in wood preservatives for timber windows and doors
Brussels, 1 September 2021 – CEI-Bois, EuroWindoor and Small Business Standards (SBS) published an updated position paper including results of new studies scrutinizing for possible

EuroWindoor feedback to the public consultation on the revised Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG 2022)
The European Union aims to become the first emission neutral continent in 2050. To be able to archive this target big investments and support is

UN declares 2022 as the “International Year of Glass”
The General Assembly of the UN voted for the draft resolution “L.84” and proclaims 2022 as the International Year of Glass. The aim is to

EuroWindoors answers the consultation on the review of EPBD
On 17th June 2021 EuroWindoor answered the European Commission`s consultation on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). EuroWindoor took this opportunity

EuroWindoor published its feedback on Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of REACH Regulation
On June 1st, EuroWindoor had the opportunity to give feedback on the consultation of the revision of REACH for its SMEs of the European window,
New EuroWindoor Executive Board elected by the General Assembly on 18 March 2021
On March 18th, 2021 the EuroWindoor General Assembly elected unanimously Verena Oberrauch (Member of the board of directors of Finstral AG, Unterinn / Italy) as
EuroWindoor feedback to the Impact Assessments on Revision of EPBD: Windows for healthier buildings
EuroWindoor acknowledge the necessity to revise the EPBD to deliver on the Renovation Wave / Green Deal objectives and gave feedback to the consultation of
Reviewing the Energy Efficiency Framework to generate a window replacement wave
The window, door and flat glass industry welcomes the publication of the Commission’s communication “A Renovation Wave for Europe – greening our buildings, creating jobs,
EuroWindoor and venticool arrange a closer cooperation
Brussels, 25 February 2021 – EuroWindoor, representing the interests of the European window, door and facade (curtain walling) sector, and venticool, the platform for resilient
Window replacement at the core of national resilience and recovery plans
Brussels, 1 February 2021 – The European window and door eco-system represented by EuroWindoor, ARGE, European Aluminium, EPPA, ES-SO, and Glass for Europe joined forces
Upcoming approval end date of propiconazole: a safe transition period is needed to secure the relevancy of sustainable wood-based products in construction (JOINT PRESS RELEASE)
Brussels, 11 January 2021 – Ahead of the upcoming approval expiry date (31st of March 2021) of propiconazole, a wood preservative used for timber doors
EuroWindoor welcomes AMFT from Austria as a new member association
AMFT (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hersteller von Metall-Fenster/Türen/Tore/Fassaden) has been adopted as a new member association of EuroWindoor in the last Directing Council Meeting on 17 November