Eurowindoor News 2023

EuroWindoor reflects on a productive year 2023 and wishes happy holidays
Frankfurt, December 2023 – As we bid farewell to 2023, EuroWindoor takes a moment to reflect on the milestones achieved in the year. Amidst the

EuroWindoor welcomes provisional Agreement on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
EuroWindoor, the European association of windows, doors and façade manufacturers, welcomes the recent provisional agreement on the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The

Recent news on wood preservatives – Renewal of Propiconazole’s approval published in recent Commission’s implementing decision
Frankfurt, December 2023 — EuroWindoor has been closely monitoring the renewal process of Propiconazole – for its use in Product Type 8 – for the

EuroWindoor’s Directing Council meeting highlights developments in Brussels
Frankfurt, November 2023 — EuroWindoor recently held its Directing Council in Brussels, hosted by member AGORIA on 14 November 2023. During the meeting, EuroWindoor members

EuroWindoor advocates for strengthening Harmonized Standards
Frankfurt, September 2023 – EuroWindoor lends strong support to EU Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardisation and emphasizes the pivotal role of Harmonized Standards in the

EuroWindoor advocates for more clarity and a better alignment in the PFAS restriction proposal
Frankfurt, September 2023 – EuroWindoor provided specific feedback for the window sector to the proposed restriction on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The feedback points

EuroWindoor website in a new and fresh design
Frankfurt, August 2023 – EuroWindoor is happy to present its new website at! The website had undergone a complete makeover to make it more

EuroWindoor looks back on a busy first half of 2023
Frankfurt, 11. August 2023 – EuroWindoor reflects on a productive and dynamic first half of 2023 marked by extensive engagements. EuroWindoor has been significantly involved

EuroWindoor advocates for alignment and clarification in the RoHS exemption for PVC windows and doors
Frankfurt, July 2023 – EuroWindoor, the European association of windows, doors and facade manufacturers, welcomes the draft delegated directive enabling the use of recovered post-consumer

EuroWindoor reminds the Commission to the ‘Energy Efficiency First’ principle regarding the action plan for heat pumps
Frankfurt, June 2023 – EuroWindoor did ask for a balanced approach between efficiency of building envelope and use of renewable energy when giving its feedback

Start with the Window to make the Renovation Wave a success
Brussel, May 2023 – The Renovation Wave is in full swing to tackle the issues of rising emissions and energy poverty. The aim is to

EuroWindoor welcomes EPBD adoption in European Parliament
Frankfurt, 14 March 2023 – We need an ambitious revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) to enable the green transition of the