Successful EuroWindoor Directing Council meeting held in Helsinki

Helsinki, June 2024 – EuroWindoor members met in Helsinki, Finland to talk about latest European the development and to share information on activities on national level impacting the window sector.

EuroWindoor welcomed distinguished guests from the Latvian Window Association (LLDRA) and from the Polish Windows and Doors Association (POiD). Notably, POiD had submitted their membership application prior to the meeting which has been approved by the Directing Council.

One focus of the meeting was on the exchange of the latest legal developments affecting windows at the national level and market trends. This exchange shows the importance of cooperation and information sharing to drive the industry forward. In addition, the latest work of EuroWindoor has been reviewed as well to move forward in the upcoming months that will be busy with the newly elected European Parliament.

Overall, the meeting reinforced EuroWindoor’s mission contributing to the EU’s commitment regarding better regulation as well as job creation, energy security, resource efficiency and carbon emission reductions without imposing unnecessary burdens on the sector.

Press Contact:
Miriam Weppler
EuroWindoor General Secretariat
Walter-Kolb-Str. 1-7
60594 Frankfurt / Germany
Phone: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 36
Fax: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 11


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