General information
General information
EuroWindoor would like to provide more input on the five options for assessing thermal transmittance based on reference size and/or actual window, as presented by the Commission in the meeting with experts of national authorities on the 3rd December 2024. This input further highlights the benefits and challenges of each approach with the intention to provide constructive solutions.
As overall we like to point out that the energy efficiency of the building is the primary focus of the legislator and that the thermal transmittance of the windows is addressed as a required input parameter. Therefore, the evaluation of the required accuracy of the products’ assessment method should also be considered at building level. A basic rule for cost-conscious and high-quality construction also follows the principle of simplicity in engineering: ‘Not as exact as possible, but as exact as necessary!’ The standardisation is also based on this principle, in that a sufficient accuracy of the values is commonly agreed, which makes practical implementation possible and affordable.
For the full position, see the following link:
EuroWindoor position on assessment of thermal transmittance based on reference size and/or actual window
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